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Web Check-in

Offer your guests the option to register their details prior to their arrival

What is hotelizer's online check-in?

hotelizer's value+ add-on online check-in allows guests to complete their registration in advance. Save time, eliminate queues, and provide a hassle-free arrival experience for your guests.

Key User Benefits

  • Convenient and time-saving check-in: Allow guests to complete their check-in process in advance, saving time and eliminating the need for long queues at the front desk.
  • Hassle-free arrival experience: Provide a seamless and efficient arrival experience for your guests, enhancing their overall satisfaction and impression of your hotel.
  • Automatic updates and accurate data: hotelizer automatically updates the reservation with guests' details once online check-in is completed, ensuring accurate data, and eliminating the need for manual updates.
  • Ideal for group reservations: Streamline the check-in process for group reservations, enabling each member to complete their online check-in individually, ensuring a smooth arrival experience for all.

Why use hotelizer's online check-in?

Web check-in icon

Effortless Check-In Experience

Streamlined check-in process

Allow guests to conveniently complete their check-in process in advance, eliminating long queues and tedious paperwork.

Customizable timing for check-in option

Set the timing for guests to receive the online check-in option before their arrival, ensuring they have ample time to provide their details.

Seamless integration with hotelizer PMS

Benefit from the seamless integration between hotelizer and hotelizer PMS, automatically updating reservations with guests' information once online check-in is completed.

Enhanced guest experiences

Convenient personal information submission

Guests can easily fill in their personal information, room preferences, and special requests in advance, ensuring a swift and stress-free check-in experience.

Time savings and efficiency

Save time and provide efficient service by eliminating the need for manual registration forms and data entry at the front desk.

Differentiation for group reservations

Simplify the check-in process for group reservations, allowing each member to complete their online check-in individually, ensuring a smooth arrival experience for all guests.

Streamlined operations

Reduced front desk queues

Eliminate long queues at the front desk by streamlining the Check-in process through online check-in, improving operational efficiency.

Accurate and updated guest information

Ensure accurate and up-to-date guest information by Automatically updating reservations with guests' details once the online check-in is Completed.

Improved guest satisfaction

Enhance guest satisfaction by providing a seamless check-in experience, setting the stage for a memorable and enjoyable stay.


Effortless online check-in

Allow guests to conveniently complete their check-in process in advance, eliminating long queues and tedious paperwork.

Customizable timing for check-in option

Set the timing for guests to receive the online check-in option before their arrival, ensuring they have ample time to provide their details.

Seamless integration with hotelizer PMS

Benefit from the seamless integration between hotelizer and hotelizer PMS, automatically updating reservations with guests' information once online check-in is completed.


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